MENDIP District Council has withdrawn its latest planning application for an office block made from shipping containers. However opponents are warning of not being too complacent, as the council plans to re-submit the plan once revisions have been made. It has also been revealed, following questions from Frome Times, that their original application, for the site near the Cheese and Grain, is ‘still an option’.
Cllr Tom Killen, deputy leader of Mendip District Council has instructed officers at Mendip District Council to withdraw the planning application for the workspace scheme in Frome so that recent feedback received from local residents about the application can be ‘considered and addressed’ before it is re-submitted.
The application that has now been withdrawn was the second proposal made by the council, who had already proposed plans to build the workspace next to the Cheese and Grain and Frome Canoe Club.
However, the first proposal has not been withdrawn, with Mendip District Council saying it is being used as an option if the second one does not get approved by the planning board.
Mendip District Council told Frome Times, “We can confirm that we are not, at this time, intending to take the original application forward as we believe the second option is the better one. However, the original application (2017/2307/RE3) has not been withdrawn as it is still an option if the other does not get planning permission.”
When questioned about the process, if the first application was to be considered again, Mendip said, “the original application is unchanged at the moment, and if it were to proceed, it would need to go through the planning board and follow all processes.
“A planning application cannot just suddenly be approved, it would still need to go via the Planning Board and follow all processes.”
The application was due to go to Mendip’s Planning Board on 18th July. Cllr Killen said, “We are committed to providing workspace for new and growing businesses in the town centre, but we recognise that this scheme has raised concerns. We wish to work with all parties so hopefully we can go forward with a development that adds to the vitality of the town whilst addressing these concerns.”