‘Slow down’ says Speedwatch team after three local deaths on local roads
“We learn with dismay at the recent spate of deaths in, and around Frome as well as the tragedy along the Frome pass,” said Mendip Community Speedwatch coordinator, Ashley Reay. “Yet another death has been recorded at Standerwick making three deaths in some three weeks. Speed, of course, may not have been a factor as there are no completed police reports yet so obviously to speculate would be completely wrong.
“But there is still a very high number of vehicles exceeding the speed limit in most areas of Frome with the town centre – Styles Hill and Warminster Road of particular concern.”
Figures released for last year by the group show Warminster Road, Styles Hill and Frome town centre are ‘speeding hot spots’, where over 1,700 motorists faced prosecution for speeds at times over 60mph, in a 30mph zone.
“Those reported for excess speed nearly always point out that there are/were no schools, or houses nearby so what is the problem?” added Ashley. “I would point out that all of the aforementioned areas have cyclists, runners, and walkers that are due the same consideration as a motor vehicle.
“The tired old ‘it is to make money’ excuse is often given as well but no one ever got a speeding fine for driving at the posted speed limit and not only that, a generous 10% plus 2mph is given before any prosecutions take place.
“I was asked once by a traffic police officer, ‘Did I know what it was like to have to go and knock on the door of a person killed in a road traffic accident?’ I replied I did not and hoped never have to do it nor open the door to such an officer standing there. So, can we all do our own little bit by reducing speeds and making visits from police traffic officers a thing of the past?”
The Frome CSW team is in need volunteers to help. For details, visit the Community Speedwatch section of the Avon and Somerset Police website and sign up, https://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/your-area/sedgemoor-north-west/priorities/community-speedwatch/