A service, led by Rev. Ian Snares will be held at Holy Trinity Church, Frome on Sunday 30th October at 3pm.
Organisers say, “At the service we will commemorate loved ones who have died. There will be the opportunity to light a candle and, if you wish, the names of departed may be read out. You can leave name(s) of any loved one(s) you wish to be included at the Parish Office beforehand.
“There will also be an opportunity to add names to the list at the service. We pray that those who have been bereaved will receive comfort in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ and you will be free to share refreshments and fellowship afterwards. Please share this invitation with anyone you know who have lost loved ones.”
For any enquiries, please contact the Holy Trinity Parish Office on 01373 45342, Monday to Friday 9.30am to 12.30pm.