FROME continues to have a problem with speeding motorists and Warminster Road remains the area where the highest amount of speeding offences occurs.
Community Speed Watch Coordinator (CSW) for Mendip, Ashley Reay says, “Speeding within the Frome area in 2021 was at a level not seen for ten years as thousands of motorists were reported for prosecution.
“Nearly 1,000 motorists were prosecuted during 2021 at Warminster Road within the town area as despite high profile visits by the police, CSW, and local media coverage, speeding goes on unabated with almost total disregard for pedestrians, other road users, or themselves. Well over 1.500 motorists were prosecuted within the local town area with the numbers showing no sign of reducing.
“You have to question the mentality of some drivers, as they are driving past the police enforcement teams and then accelerating away to be then recorded as speeding despite the generous allowance allowed before prosecutions.
“Police checks on Frome speeds in 2021 were up to some 50% in 2020 and 2022 will likely see an increase in that figure if the motorists do not slow down.
“The early part of 2022 has seen no let-up in the numbers recorded for excess speed, and numbers at Berkley School show that in the first week of January, 20% of the whole total for 2021 have been seen and reported for prosecution with some speeds over 50 mph in a 30mph speed limit. You can hardly blame the police for checking speeds there as they are doing now on a daily basis as the popular school and its pupils deserve more than the road outside their school being used as a racetrack.
“Every driver within the Frome area can assist in reducing their speed by just checking their speed, and getting to their destination a few seconds later. Surely not too much to ask. Those that are recorded at over 50mph in a 30mph zone can expect at least 6 penalty points, a fine of at least 100% of their weekly wage, and possible disqualification.”