With the burning season just around the corner, hopefully by now you all have your wood and coal supplies at the ready and if your chimney hasn’t been swept yet, you have it booked in.
To get the most out of your stove or open fire it’s important to have them serviced annually and swept at the appropriate time dependent on usage and fuel type burnt. It’s also important to only burn approved fuels, as this will prolong the life of both your appliance and chimney as well as save you money.
More on this can be found at www.burnright.co.uk.
G Lucas Chimney Sweep is an approved HETAS chimney sweep and a member of sweepsafe that offers sweeping, servicing, cctv inspections, pressure tests, stove maintenance, bird guards, cowls, chimney repairs and advice on all things fireplace and chimney related.
If you want to book in your annual sweep or any other service please get in touch by calling Guy on 07887 770340 or email glucaschimneysweep@gmail.com.
Further information on what services I offer can be found on my website www.glucaschimney sweep.com and don’t forget to find me on Facebook (facebook.com/thesweepingguy) for regular tips, advice and the occasional giveaway.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I wish you all a warm winter!