THREE-year old Arthur Jude is encouraging the community to follow in his footsteps and keep Frome tidy!

He said – with some help from his mum, Anne – “I’m Arthur, I am three years old and I collect litter to help Frome stay clean with my new grabber from Frome Market. I’d like to share my good idea to inspire other children to do the same and help keep Frome beautiful.
“To do this safely I have a rubbish bag (recycling to be done later at home), a grabber to keep my hands clean and a grown up (to make sure I don’t pick up anything dangerous).
“Each week I can collect up to three carrier bags of rubbish, which can be a mixture of 100 items made up of cans, bottles, wrappers and cups. Sometimes I find coins, but we give that to charity tins.”