Frome Community Hospital welcomed an unusual visitor to the ward this month when Charlie the therapy donkey from Danny Donkey & Pals came in to meet the patients and children from The Garden Nursery.
Nineteen-year old Charlie was rescued 14 years ago in Wales. He now lives with his owner Kelly in Beckington. As well as visiting local care homes and hospitals, he has also made appearances on This Morning, Strictly Come Dancing and Cbeebies.
Charlie and Kelly spent a few hours meeting the patients on Marshfield Ward, and being given various treats. Aly Rayner, activities co-ordinator, arranged for the visit using the money from a grant she was given from Frome Town Council. Aly said, “Charlie was well received by all the patients. It was lovely to be able to bring something different to the hospital, and a change in the norm for the patients.
“One patient was on the phone when Charlie came in and the person on the other end of the phone did not believe her! Seeing their surprised faces was priceless.”
It’s not just donkeys that come in and visit the hospital. The hospital is always looking for volunteers to befriend the patients, as well as making teas and coffees and going around with the ward trolley. If you have some time you would like to give, please contact Stacey or Melissa on 01373 454740.