Volunteers are needed for a month-long bus shelter cleaning drive in support of Catch the Bus Month, which takes place in September.
Local councillor Philip Campagna, along with Peter Travis of Frome and Villages Bus Users Group (FAVBUG) and the Somerset Bus Partnership, have joined forces to carry out the ‘big clean’ and are calling on volunteers to help them.
Cllr Philip Campagna has been busy cleaning bus shelters and promoting bus travel during his time as a councillor and was often to be found cleaning the stops in his mayoral chain last year.
He said, “Catching the bus is a great, green alternative to getting in the car and increases mobility for those who don’t have one. It is thanks to the brilliant work of people like Peter Travis and Tracey Harding of FAVBUG that we’ve protected some valued bus services and extended the network here in Frome.
“I can often be found sprucing up bus shelters around the town but we would really like to see a concerted effort to get them all looking their best for Catch the Bus month and for that, we need your many hands to make light work, as they say!
“If you can spare some time, even if it’s only an hour or two, and you’d like to help us make Frome’s bus shelters spick and span, email me at pcampagna@frometowncouncil.gov.uk to arrange a time to help.
Peter Travis of FAVBUG said, “Bus shelters are an important part of the experience of going by bus. FAVBUG is pleased to be partnering with Frome Town Council and people in Frome to improve the condition of Frome’s bus shelters.”
To express an interest in helping with cleaning bus shelters in Frome, email pcampagna@frometowncouncil.gov.uk or call 01373 465757 and leave your name and number if you’d prefer to be contacted by phone.
Find out more about Catch the Bus month at https://bususers.org/catchthebusmonth.