“FROME will cease to be Frome” if 180 new homes are built on the town’s western edge, local residents have warned.
Gleeson Strategic Land Ltd. submitted an initial inquiry – known as a screening option – to build the homes on the western side of Marston Lane, located off the busy B3090 Marston Road.
The Fleet-based developer has provided few initial details, with Mendip District Council expecting to receive more comprehensive proposals, including access and the layout of the proposed homes, this year.
But that hasn’t stopped local residents coming out in force against the principle of developing this site, citing traffic issues, flooding concerns and the loss of valuable agricultural land.
Gleeson has had a mixed record of securing developments in Somerset, losing appeals over 68 homes on the edge of Wells and 60 homes on the Manor Farm site in Templecombe.
A further planning inquiry, into 75 homes near Midsomer Norton, is scheduled to get under way on 22nd February.
The Marston Lane site is not included in either Mendip District Council’s original Local Plan (which was adopted in 2014) or the additional allocations within the Local Plan Part II – which was due to be adopted by the full council in December.
The site does lie within the parish of Frome, but it lies outside the defined development boundary of the town, as set by the council’s Local Plan.
Steve Ehrlicher argued the land would be put to better use for either a western relief road or for growing food. He said, “I object to the proposal to use this land for housing.
“It is ideally suited to be an extension to a Frome ring road, by creating a sunken road from the west end of the existing ring road through to the Radstock road [the A362 Vallis Road], with the remaining area to be part of the food belt for Frome.
“Growing food for our town’s population will be more important as climate changes for the worse.”
Jacqueline Simpson said it made little sense to build on green fields when a number of brownfield sites around Frome remained undeveloped, such as the Saxonvale site in the town centre.
She said, “The development would be on arable greenfield land, while brownfield sites within Frome have lain untouched for many years.
“It is yet another attempt by developers to degrade the value of the countryside and aim at the biggest profit, without consideration for its impact on this small town.”
Carol Dover pointed out that the site and the lane were both prone to localised flooding, arguing any development would exacerbate this problem.
She said, “This land is very poorly drained and if built upon, the lower section of this land would be very likely to flood on a regular basis.
“Dealing with all of the additional sewage created at this location would be a problem. The River Frome already has alarming levels of dangerous chemicals and untreated sewage being pushed into the river via sewage overflows.”
Sue Alcock, who has lived on Marston Lane for more than 40 years, said the lane was already being used as a rat run by motorists.
She said, “The traffic along Marston Lane now is horrendous at peak times, and is used as a cut through to Sainsbury’s etc. and the A361, so it would be detrimental for more traffic from increased housing to access and use the road.
“With the increase of building work over recent years, it would seem already that we do not have enough doctors’ surgeries and schools to accommodate the increased population realistically enough.”
Nina Spear concurred, saying, “To build a large number of houses on the skyline would be to the detriment of all locals and visitors and detract from the beauty of this ancient town.
“We often watch red kites soaring over these fields and they would be denied their hunting ground where the thermals allow them to spot prey.
“Marston Lane has become a ‘rat run’ in recent years and additional traffic would cause greater safety issues. We already see cars and motorcycles passing our houses at speeds exceeding 50mph. New housing would greatly attribute to further problems and, potentially, fatalities.”
Joe Hannam Maggs said it was inappropriate to have further development at the southern edge of Frome in light of recent decisions. He said, “With a site for around 300 houses already approved on Sandys Hill Lane, mooted developments off Little Keyford Lane and the spectre of the Selwood Garden Community on the horizon, why is this entire part of Frome becoming a payday for land financiers?
“At this rate, Frome will cease to be Frome without concerted action from the council’s planning board. In line with the district’s climate emergency, more needs to be done to halt rampant and outdated housebuilding from developers who are only interested in profit, not our planet.”
Revised plans for the Sandys Hill Lane site, comprising 198 homes, are expected to come before the council’s planning board early this year, with a separate application for the commercial element of the site to follow. The developer is expected to submit formal plans for the Marston Lane site by this summer.