TWO community projects in Frome had a New Year boost after receiving funding from Mendip District Council’s Local Legacy Fund.
Mendip YMCA will receive £15,000 and Sustrans will get £5,000 from a £200,000 council fund which supports local projects.
Mendip YMCA funding will help with the cost of refurbishing the youth and community centre on Vallis Road and Sustrans’ funding will go towards completing the missing section of the National Cycle Network route 24 which will connect the route with The Colliers Way.
Business manager at Frome Youth & Community Centre Caz Marsh said, “We are delighted to hear that we will be receiving funding. It will help us improve the environment and attract more people to the centre.”
Geoff Pell from the Frome’s Missing Links Group who fundraise for Sustrans said, “Frome’s Missing Links welcomes this award towards the second phase of the project. The first and second phases of the project together will fill just over half of the gap between Great Elm and Frome.”
The Local Legacy Fund was launched by the council in 2013 and has seen numerous community groups awarded funding for a range of local projects.
The fund has been run again this year, inviting community groups throughout Mendip to bid for funding for specific projects which support the council’s priorities and provide a lasting legacy in the district by; adding to the health and wellbeing of the local community; creating educational, training or work opportunities for the local community; improving the quality of life of the local community.
Councillor Harvey Siggs, leader of Mendip District Council said, “The Local Legacy Fund has already had a very positive impact on a range of community projects across Mendip and this latest round of funding will ensure a further 18 very worthwhile projects are supported.
“I know there will be many community groups disappointed that we have been unable to give them funding. I would like to reassure them that we used a strict set of criteria to judge each application to ensure the process was completely fair.”