The 30th Annual Lions Club Charity Swim this year raised over £6,000 for charity, sending the total raised over the last 30 years roaring past the £200,000 mark.
The Annual Charity Swim is about teams of six swimming up and down the pool in relay to raise much needed funds for worthy causes after getting sponsored.
“This year a total of just over £6,000 has been raised,” said Lions Club member, Daniel Norris. “This gives the massive total in the 30 years of the Lions Swim of £207,850.
“The money raised this year was split 50/50 between the swimming teams’ cause and the Frome Lions. Lions President Mark Symes presented the cheques to the teams who took part and also presented trophies to a few outstanding teams at a presentation evening at St Catherine’s Roman Catholic Hall.
The John Barrow Cup for the best performing school was presented to Upton Noble School who collected a cheque for £377.50 for their school P.T.A.
The most lengths swum by a non-swimming club team were Wills Warriors who swam 61. Their half of the money they raised, £147.50 went to Hope 4 Harmonie, a charity to help a young girl who lost her limbs through contracting Meningitis.
The most laps swum by a team 11 years and under was Amelia’s Army who managed 57 who gave their cheque £65.75 to Guide Dogs for the Blind.
The Gerald Williams Shield for the organisation with more than one team raising the most sponsorship were St John’s School whose £463.86 was to be used to purchase extra sports coaching for their school.
The team raising the most sponsorship was the Past Presidents Team that gave their £636.60 to the William Budd Endowment Fund which helps with cancer diagnosis and treatment at the Bath RUH.
The Aggregate Industries Cup for the most laps swam was Evans Eels with 66 lengths, who gave their £123.50 to Pancreatic Cancer Research.
NVB Architects gave their £240.50 to the Twins and Multiple Birth Association to help families who have extra costs and need support after giving multiple births.
Aggregate Industries who had two teams gave their £280.75 to Cots for the Tots Charity.
Aliens Carnival Club raised £85 and Oasis Carnival Club £168.75 for their own clubs, and Frome Town Youth Band raised £170 for new musical instruments.
Dr John Moxon gave a presentation on the Friends of Frome’s Hospital Defibrillators for Frome. He explained how vital and potentially lifesaving the defibrillators can be, and how the time saved by having one nearby made all the difference on the outcome.
He was then presented with a cheque for £3000 by the Frome Lions for their share of the Swim money. This should cover the cost of another defibrillator in our local area to make Frome one of the best equipped in the country.
The Lions Club congratulates all and every one of the teams for supporting this great event in the spirit of fun and charity.
Lions David Naish and Lion President Mark Symes both acknowledged with gratitude the generosity of the sponsors, Aggregate Industries covering the costs, the Frome Leisure Centre for the venue, Mike and Helen Smith for the use of St Catherine’s Hall and the Lions ladies for providing light refreshments.
Please visit the website for more information about Frome Lions Club at www.fromelions.org.uk.