The Frome Society’s Saturday afternoon programme of lectures continues on Saturday 14th December with a talk by Jane Tapley called ‘Look Behind You: A History of Pantomime.’
Jane is well known to Frome Society members. Since 1987, she has been the special events organiser at the Theatre Royal Bath, where she hosts public interviews with actors, writers and directors.
In her talk she will explore the complex and fascinating history of the pantomime: how it developed from its Greek and Roman roots through the religious plays of the Middle Ages and Commedia Dell’Arte.
She will examine characters as diverse as Harlequin, Grimaldi, Dan Leno, and Marie Lloyd, through to the soap stars of the present.
In her downtime, Jane is a freelance author and researcher, a home economist and a theatrical landlady. She tries to live by the phrase, ‘If you want something done, ask a busy person!’
Frome Society’s lectures take place in the Assembly Rooms at the rear of Frome Memorial Theatre, BA11 1EB, starting at 2.30pm. Visitors are welcome but are asked to pay an entry fee of £5.