The many people in Frome who are renting their homes from private landlords will soon have a new way of making their voices heard.
On Tuesday 30th April, Fair Housing for Frome are holding a meeting to launch a Frome Tenants and Lodgers Association. The meeting starts at 7pm, upstairs at the Cheese & Grain, and is open to anyone who is renting from or lodging with a private sector landlord, either directly or through a letting agent.
“In our consultation and outreach work over the past couple of years, we have heard so many stories about the pressures on tenants and lodgers in the town”, says Bex Lockwood Norris, a Project Worker with Fair Housing for Frome. “While some private landlords and lettings agencies provide a great service, we have many reports of others who seriously overlook their responsibilities or abuse their position – for example failing to carry out repairs, entering homes without notice, withholding deposits, or ending tenancies without proper notice.”
The aim of the new Association will be to help tenants and lodgers stand up for their rights, keep themselves well-informed, share experiences and ideas, and support one another. Fair Housing for Frome hope that the new Association will work co-operatively with the recently launched Frome Landlords Association and other agencies who are committed to making the private rented sector work well, as well as challenging bad practice.
As house prices have rocketed and social housing has become increasingly scarce, private renting has become the only form of tenure open to many people who want or need to live in Frome. Roger Saunders, Development Worker with Fair Housing for Frome, says: “Tenants Associations have in the past been a really effective way for tenants in social housing to raise standards and to protect and enhance their rights. But social housing is no longer available to many people, even those in serious housing need. Tenants and lodgers renting privately now need to be able to come together – and we hope this initiative will give them the confidence and power to do so.”
Fair Housing are keen that tenants and lodgers themselves take ownership of the new association. “We know from our consultation work that this is badly needed in Frome”, says Bex. “But we also know that many tenants and lodgers have lots of pressures on them, including a sense of insecurity which can make them reluctant to rock the boat. We want to create a safe and supportive association, that gives people the space and opportunity to talk about their needs and concerns. If you are renting or lodging privately, we do hope you will come along and help shape this exciting new initiative.”