ACTIVE and In Touch say they were delighted to be visited by the Mayor cllr Anita Collier in Frome Victoria Park during a recent Tuesday group meeting.
The group report, “On a beautifully sunny morning she met and chatted with various members and volunteers who shared with her their experiences during lockdown.
“For some members it was the first time they had ventured out of their homes since the Prime Minister announced the lockdown on 23rd March so it was a thrill and privilege that the Mayor had arranged to meet with them. The occasion really lifted spirits as members who had not met each other for months were able to enjoy a cuppa and a good chat.
“Along with many other charitable and business organisations, Active and In Touch, the Frome-based charity which seeks to alleviate loneliness and support housebound people locally, had to make changes to continue its work during lockdown.
“Before the Covid-19 outbreak there were 140 Active and In Touch members receiving support. Within days, phone calls and referrals saw this number rise dramatically to the current figure of 220. The local community’s response to requests for additional volunteers to support members was amazing, more than doubling the number from 80 to 180. Alongside this, there was also the need for additional support for AIT’s team of director of service, Dougie Brown and the two co-ordinators, Gwen Corbet and Di Richards.
“Volunteer support given to members via weekly or more frequent phone conversations will continue for the foreseeable future, alongside the Monday and Tuesday group meetings and these contacts form a very welcome lifeline for many.”
A member said, “I really do look forward to our chats, it makes me realise that there are some very caring people about.”
Active and In Touch is entirely reliant upon donations and grants to support lonely and isolated people aged 18 and over, to support improvement in their health and wellbeing and is still eager to recruit additional volunteers. If you would like to access the Charity’s support, or would like to volunteer please telephone 07539 795261.