There were many happy times and special moments created during 2019 at Berkley.
The school received an award for PE and the children of Berkley attended every sports festival that was organised within Frome.
Some of the highlights involved a day with an author who visited Berkley and shared their passion for reading and writing, this led to some lovely stories being created by the older children. For our Y4 children their highlight was their residential trip to Mill on the Brue which included two nights away from home. They learnt a great deal about themselves, as well as how to work as a team. They learnt some lifelong skills.
Community day was a summer event which brought together all the families for a picnic on the field, they listened to music played by Selwood pupils and then the children took part in sports day. During the summer Berkley said goodbye to Mr Kirby who had been the Headteacher for 3 years and they welcomed Mrs Thompson into her new role. Mr Banton led a STEAM project across the Frome schools visiting the quarry and inspiring young engineers. We are hoping to secure some funding for some exciting new resources this coming year.
This autumn term saw lots of new reception children arrive, it has been a pleasure to get to know them. They have enjoyed building a mini garden and water wall for their outdoor classroom. The school council has been busy painting and planting some herbs to create a quiet corner for our playground.
We received the 360 E safety award again, keeping our community safe online. In the spirit of Advent we held our nativity in our church and KS2 children sang their hearts out in an evening performance. To finish the year off we held a winter wonderland day, Y3 and 4 spent the day at Stourhead with Narnia-themed activities, whilst the younger children had a forest school experience.
We hope 2020 brings all members of the community health and happiness. We are on an exciting journey at Berkley and this New Year brings with it not just small changes, but great opportunities for our children.