Two local churches recently gave a warm welcome to the Bishop of Bath and Wells during his visit to Frome.
Christ Church and St Mary’s hosted Bishop Michael Beasley over a long weekend from 11th to 13th January. Bishop Michael had a busy and ‘fantastic’ time visiting both churches, Selwood Academy, the Giants’ Garden and the Garden Nursery at St Mary’s.
He also talked to those in the Anna Chaplaincy, a service offering spiritual care in later life.
Following this, he led the Sunday morning service at Christ Church and later the next day, led a thoughtful, thought-provoking, meeting of the Parochial Church Councils (PCCs). He also managed to enjoy lunch with the vicar, Rev Liz, and dinner with the churchwardens.
A parishioner who met the bishop, said, “He’s so smiley and positive, with really contagious energy.”
Another added, “I appreciated that he didn’t shy away from the difficulties the church is facing at the moment. I am so pleased he came to visit.”