FROME Carnival’s new Ambassadors will be chosen this week, on Friday 1st September, and there’s still time to enter.
It was announced last month that the traditional Carnival Queen and attendants will be replaced by Carnival ambassadors, a role that anyone is welcome to apply for.
The decision has been met with mixed reaction, and although mainly positive, some felt the tradition of carnival royalty should remain.
Carnival chairman, June Barnes said, “We’ve had quite a good reaction from people about the change. A few people don’t like the idea and believe we should stick with tradition and are worried that carnival won’t be the same without the royalty but the reality is, we simply didn’t have enough people entering in the last competition, so we had to make a change and find something new.”
“The ambassador role is open to both males and females. There will be a total of five ambassadors, made up of three young ambassadors, aged between 7 and 12 years; and two ambassadors, aged 13-plus (no upper age limit).
“The carnival ambassadors will play an essential part in both the afternoon and evening carnival processions, like the royalty in past years, on our carnival float. In addition, they will be asked to represent the carnival at town events, promote the charitable aspect of the carnival and help with fundraising.
“The selection process for the new carnival ambassadors will be a more interview-style process, that will see applicants answer questions explaining how they will make a good ambassador for the carnival.”
Carnival committee member, Emily Denne added, “Selection is due to take place on the evening of September 1st at the newly-refurbished town hall. There will be no ‘beauty pageant’ aspect to this event, but instead the selection will be judged by a small panel who will ask each entrant a few questions about what would make them a great ambassador.
“For more information, please contact Frome Carnival on Facebook or download an entry form from their website.”