FROME Carnival Committee has reluctantly made the decision to postpone this year’s street procession – but has announced a fun day and dog show will be held in its place!
This will be the second year in a row that the street procession has been postponed.
Trustee of the Frome Carnival charity, Quintyn Howard-Evans, has explained that with Covid restrictions only just being lifted, there has not been enough time or opportunity to get the carnival organised in time for this September.
“This is of course disappointing news for all of us who love to be involved or attend Carnival,” he said, “however the organisers are pleased to announce that on what would have been procession day, there will now be a fun day and dog show at Victoria Park on Saturday 25th September. There will be lots of stalls and fun for everyone and do bring along your prize pooch as, who knows, they might win!
“Fundraising events such as the fun day, along with the duck race and various pub quizzes throughout the year help the Carnival take place. With ever-increasing costs for such things as insurance and prizes, putting on the Carnival is not ‘free’ as many people may think and that is why raising money in advance is so important.
“The money raised on the night of the Carnival, collected by volunteers along with the assistance of Rotary and Lions, goes to local charities with, for example, Fair Frome, local scout groups, the YMCA and many charities associated with the elderly and vulnerable benefitting from money raised on Carnival night.
“So, if you can come along to the fun day and spend a few pounds, you will be helping to put the Carnival on and if you come along on the day of the procession in 2022 and donate a few more pounds, you will be helping out some really worthwhile local causes.
“All of this could not happen without the help of willing volunteers and this may be another area that you can help! It could be that you are attracted to the fun side of the event and want to get together with friends, family or work colleagues and put some form of Carnival entry together.
“All that is needed is some dedication, imagination and some showmanship. The Carnival organisers are particularly interested in getting the young people of Frome involved, to bring a contemporary element to the traditional entertainment.
“So, if you have an artistic streak, some musical ability, love dressing up or just want to bring a smile to people’s faces, then just get in touch with the Carnival organisers and let them know what your ideas are.
“If however, showmanship is not your thing, then Carnival always needs lots of behind-the-scenes people to make the wheels of entertainment run smoothly. If you fancy seeing yourself in a high vis vest, then they want to hear from you. Young or old, you will be very welcome to join this happy band of people.
“Frome has had a carnival for over 100 years and like all events, it has changed with the times and will continue to do so, but only if people in Frome get involved. If you are new to the town and have a new perspective or if you are an older resident who would like to maintain some of Frome’s cultural history, then there is room for both points of view.”
If you are interested please get in touch with Frome Carnival via email: