On behalf of Frome Town Council, I would like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I hope you have a safe and enjoyable break, in the company of your loved ones, but I know our caring Frome community will also be aware of those less fortunate. I hope we will visit the neighbours who may not see anyone else during the holidays and continue to donate to Fair Frome, so everyone has some treats this year.
During my previous working life I regularly worked throughout the Christmas and New Year period, so I would like to pay special thanks to those who continue to do so; the police, fire service, nurses and doctors, hospital and care staff, the hospitality and retail workers and those who keep our utilities running. Not forgetting, of course, our clergy who help us celebrate why we do all this in the first place! I hope that you all get some time to spend with your families this year.
Over the last few years it has become popular to not spend quite so much on gifts but to give in kind; charitable donations in lieu of cards is one example, and a lot of people may give their time to help others. This year, I will again be at the ‘Big Christmas Get Together’, the now traditional free Christmas dinner for those who might not otherwise have one. This is very rewarding, not only for those who receive the meal but also for those who have the pleasure of serving it.
I hope I will see many of you in Frome during the holiday season but if not, have a great time and let’s make 2020 even better!
Mayor cllr Mark Dorrington.