FROME College art department is promoting the national arts project called the ‘Great Big Arts Exhibition’.
They report, “This is a community-based art project which encourages the country to turn their front windows into a gallery as part of a nationwide initiative to create a ‘magical patchwork of creativity’.
“We have invited the middle and first schools in Frome to join with us in promoting this to the wider community. We are hoping that students across Frome of all ages will take part and enjoy a bit of creativity at home during this challenging time.
“The exhibition guidelines are: Students & families create a piece of artwork linked to the theme of ‘Animals’ and display it in their windows. This project would follow on from the NHS rainbow campaign, when thousands of rainbows were put in front windows to show solidarity and support for the health service.
“Students can use any materials, and the artwork can take on any form: 3D, collage, photography, typography, painting, assemblage – anything at all!
“Use the hashtag #thegreatbigartexhibition2021 when sharing on social media so that creations become part of the wider national project.
“We would all love to see what fantastic designs are out there. Do feel free to encourage participants to email Emma Knibbs any imagery of any artwork created for this project at
“We can then feature as many images as possible in an online exhibition later in the spring. We look forward to seeing some brilliant designs around in the community soon!”