BACK in July students at Frome college held a fundraising mufti day.
The total raised was then split between three charities. Last week PAC fundraiser Kelly Hall went to the college to collect a cheque for £249.
PAC offer a service for young people based at Frome College which is open to anyone affected or bereaved by cancer and other life threatening illnesses. The money raised by pupils will be used to support the service run at the college.
Kelly Hall, fundraiser at PAC said, “It is wonderful that the pupils at the college are fundraising to support PAC and the service that we offer at their school. We hope that they will continue to support PAC with future activities. The service offered at the college is well used and evaluated and is often described as a lifeline by pupils affected by cancer and other life threatening illnesses.”
PAC is currently the only organisation to offer free professional counselling to any adults or children affected or bereaved by cancer and other life threatening illnesses in BANES, Somerset and West Wilts. If you would like further information about counselling, the work of the charity or fundraising please contact Karen Dufton, administrator at PAC on 01373 455255 or info@positive