Building on from their successes from last year, Frome Cricket Club is poised ready for the new season with lots of activity and fundraising planned.
Nicki Brook reports, “The 100 Club consists of a series of lotteries over a period of 12 months with monthly draws. Each ticket costs £5 per month or, as a special introductory offer, Frome Cricket Club is providing the opportunity to purchase 12 entries in advance for £55 for the first year, making the 12th draw free.
“The January winners are John Cox and Darren Dredge.
“If you would like to participate, pop into the cricket club for an entry form.
“Frome Cricket Club fundraising bingo take place on the fourth Thursday of every month. Doors open at 6.30pm with eyes down at 8.00pm. Come along with your bingo dobbers for a fun packed evening with “Kelly’s Eye” and “Two Little Ducks.”
“You can also support the club by purchasing through the Easyfundraising site Registration is free and choose Frome Cricket Club as the organisation you wish to support. A percentage of anything you buy from hundreds of retailers, such as Sainsbury’s, Amazon, and many others, is donated to the cricket club and it doesn’t cost you anything
“Frome Cricket Club was delighted to recently receive a grant from Frome Town Council to purchase cricket coaching and training sets. This will ensure the club continues to provide all-inclusive training for young and older members.
“The 2019 cricket season is fast approaching with the club running three adult teams, two ladies teams and various youth sides as well as a very busy All Stars club for children. If you are interested in joining the club, please contact Nick Larder, club secretary on 01373 465382.”
Above: Mark Dorrington, Frome deputy mayor presenting the grant to Nick Larder, club secretary, Frome Cricket Club.