DEBBIE HILLS has been running a successful Slimming World group in Frome on a Tuesday night for 10 years now and is getting set to extend her support to a new batch of slimmers.
Debbie opened a new class on Wednesday 1st January and if your New Year’s resolution is to lose weight and look great, then you are invited to join the classes every week at 9.30am.
Originally a member herself, Debbie joined her local Slimming World group 10 years ago and dropped from 11st 8 1/2lb to her target weight of 10 st. She is now using her experience to reach out to more people and to help others change their lives for the better too.
Debbie trained as a consultant for Slimming World, the UK’s leading slimming club, in 2004 and has now opened her second group at the new location of Frome YMCA Community and Youth Centre, Vallis Way.
With the latest government figures revealing that 25.7% of the Mendip County Council’s population are now overweight or obese, Debbie Hills says her role has never been more important.
She said, “Obesity is becoming such a huge issue across the UK. When I first joined Slimming World as a member, I never dreamed that I would end up helping other people to lose weight, but now I just can’t wait to get started on this new challenge. It’s a privilege for me to be able to pass on the experience, insight and understanding that helped me, so that I can give my members the support they need to get to target.
“10 years ago, I decided that enough was enough and that it was time to do something about losing the baby weight I had gained. I thought I was destined to be overweight for the rest of my life, but when I came to Slimming World I couldn’t believe how easy it was. I never felt like I was on a diet. The eating plan encourages you to eat lots of filling foods like pasta, rice, potatoes and lean meat and fish; you are never hungry and no foods are banned so there’s no deprivation. I couldn’t believe I’d found a way to lose weight without starving myself.
“As a slimmer myself I know how hard it can be and I couldn’t have lost one and a half stone without my consultant and my group. Sharing recipes and other ideas, and overcoming disappointments as well as celebrating success was all part of the journey, so there’ll be lots of support, encouragement and fun at my Slimming World group.”
And members agree – one member summed up the group as “friendly, supportive, encouraging and inspirational. Social event of the week! Definitely helps to keep you motivated by attending a group regularly.”
Debbie’s new Slimming World group opened on Wednesday 1st January at 9.30am and will be held at Frome Youth Club.
The existing group meets at Frome Cricket Club every Tuesday, 5.15pm or 7.15pm
For more information or to join either of Debbie’s groups either pop along on either Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning or call her on 01373 472327 or 07849 536189.
Or for more information visit www.slimmingworld. com or call 0844 897 8000.