LOCAL, not for profit organisation Drum it Up will be running drumming and puppetry courses in Frome for adults with learning difficulties.
Following on from the success of last year’s course, Drum it Up in partnership with Charlotte Woodall, presents another exciting and innovative course for adults aged 19 and over, with learning difficulties.
Katie Harris from the organisation said, “This time we will be exploring puppetry as a medium for expressing our unique voice and creativity. We will work towards a performance which will be a combination of puppetry, drumming, music and story telling.
“Throughout this journey learners will develop greater confidence, communication skills, team work skills, performance skills, memory, speech and language, and friendship.”
The course will run on 5th March, 26th March, 23rd April and 7th May, from 10am – 4.15pm at Somerset Skills and Learning Building, Frome College, Frome.
The course costs £48 for the four days. Concessions are available. This is a Somerset Skills and Learning course and is funded by Skills Funding Agency.
Please contact Katie Harris for more details and to book. Call 07590381453 or email drumitupsomerset@gmail.com