Lots of families were delighted to have the opportunity to attend activity sessions in person over the two-week Easter Holidays.
In an ongoing partnership between Purple Elephant and Fair Frome, families were able to book on to a choice of 12 sessions offered over six days of the holidays, which included an activity and a packed lunch to take home – with an Easter chick and egg included!
Purple Elephant and Fair Frome report, “Activities included clay modelling and painting, and making sun catchers and paintbrushes from natural materials, both with Creative Cats ‘n’ Kittens; outdoor multi-sports with IG Sports and SASP; dance and movement with Flamingo Chicks; and cooking with Live, Learn, Cook, which focused on making a healthy lunch together.
“Both organisations have been working hard continuously over the last year and adapted their services to support families in different ways. The holiday sessions last summer, the Christmas parties and these Easter sessions were able to go ahead in a Covid-safe way by limiting numbers and putting extra measures in place, and families have been really grateful for the opportunity.”
One mum said, “These sessions have been a lifeline for us as we are limited to where we can go as the children are medically vulnerable and they have been stuck at home for a long time.”
A dad said, “Thank you so much for bringing some happiness to my daughter and the opportunity to socialise after a really hard year.”
Purple Elephant non-profit Community Interest Company run family support services and inclusive projects for children and families in Frome and the local area, including the Toy Library and Children’s Festival. For more information visit: www.fromechildrensfestival.org
Fair Frome run the Food Bank, Furniture bank, Food at Five Community meals, Holiday Hunger and Access for All projects in Frome and surrounding villages. For more information visit: www.fairfrome.org