Would you like to get more involved in supporting the community?
Do you have some spare time during the week? From a few hours to a day or two? Would you like to work as part of a team, meet new people and learn new skills?
If so, Fair Frome, a newly established charity supporting people living in social, financial, health and educational poverty in the town are looking for volunteers to join the team.
Fair Frome need volunteers to help start the Fair Frome food bank, with managing aspects of the scheme, collecting, sorting and packing food donations, as well as people who can help with data entry, office admin, social events, training, PR and lots, lots more.
Fair Frome would also be interested to hear from anyone with experience in managing volunteers who may be interested in doing this on a voluntary basis for Fair Frome.
The organisation is being ambitious, but with their support to date, believe they will be able to recruit the 40 strong volunteer team that they need in place to start the food bank on 1st October this year. All volunteers will receive training, a full induction and ongoing support.
Volunteers are needed from a range of backgrounds and skills, and anyone interested will need to complete and return an application form to Fair Frome by Wednesday 20th August. Volunteer training events will run on (either) Saturday 6th September, 9.30-5pm or Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th September 6pm-9pm.
If you are interested please contact info@fair frome.org or find them on Facebook/Fair-Frome. Alternatively you can call into the office at 5 Palmer Street to meet a member of staff and collect a volunteer pack.