FROME’S lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, or asexual community (LGBTQIA+) will be celebrated in a ten-day long event from Thursday 1st June to Saturday 10th June marking the first full Pride season for the town.
Events available for people to enjoy over the ten days include a drag quiz night, a Pride party, a Pride market, a showing of the film Pride with a Q&A, and much more!
The event organisers, Frome Pride say, “We, the LGBTQIA+ community, are very excited! We have a range of events and activities for all those that identify within the LGBTQIA+ community as well as our friends and allies.
“Pride is all about being proud of who you are no matter who you love or what you gender identity. Pride is not only a celebration of people coming together in love and friendship but is also there to highlight how far LGBTQIA+ rights have come in the UK (and there’s still more to do!), and how in some places in the world there’s still work to be done.
“Pride month is about community, connection, kindness, acceptance, equality, celebrating the work of LGBTQIA+ people, educating our communities in LGBTQIA+ history and raising awareness of issues affecting our communities such as isolation and poorer mental health outcomes.”
History of Frome Pride
Frome Pride originally began after members of Frome’s LGBTQIA+ community decided to hold a monthly social at the Flow Bar on the fourth Friday of each month. The event has become increasingly popular over the years, and members decided to hold a small Pride event at a June Frome Independent Market event last year – the success of which has spurred the organisers into creating a bigger event for this year.
“In the four years since, Frome’s LGBTQIA+ community has developed into a diverse group of different ages, genders, sexualities and personalities!” said organisers. “Between 30 to 40 people now meet each month, and while indoor events ceased during lockdown, members banded together to organise outdoor walks and, thanks to them, a monthly walk still continues to this day.
“In 2022, the folks behind The Frome Independent asked if we would like a 40-minute slot on the June market stage. Their kind offer and the surge of support from our members lead to the first ever Frome Pride. We made the brevity into a feature and dubbed it the UK’s Shortest Pride!
“We have been touched by the love and support we’ve received from local venues, businesses and most of all the people of Frome. We’d particularly like to thank our partners at Flow Bar, Frome Town Council, Frome Leisure Centre, Hunting Raven bookstore, Merlin Theatre, Good Heart Café, The Frome Independent market, Black Swan Arts, Projects, Riverhouse Café and the many more that we are building relationships with.”
Events include:
Drag quiz night, Thursday 1st June at Flow Bar from 7pm. £2 quiz entry per person, reserve your table at Organisers say, “There’s nothing quite like a pub quiz run by a drag queen and this month, the legendary Remy Melee will be hosting a glorious Pride special. When Remy isn’t strutting their stuff at Bath’s WIG! or running the post-roast Pudding Club cabaret, they’re lighting up Flow Bar and giving us a right camp old time.”
Tiny Rainbow Hearts, Friday 2nd June at The Good Heart from 9am to 11am. Kids free, adults by donation (suggested £5-£10+) “Calling all Rainbow Families! Are you, your partner, or your child part of the LGBTQIA+ community? If so, come on down to The Good Heart cafe for a friendly natter in the chillout lounge while the kids get busy and play. Also open to supportive allies.”
Pride Party, Friday 2nd June from 7pm to 1am at Flow Bar – Organisers say, “Join us for our kick-off party in the fantastic Flow Bar. Featuring performances that you’d be mad to miss, so put on your finest outfit and let loose! Doors open at 7pm and acts start at 8pm. Tickets checked at the door and last entry midnight.”
Frome Pride market, Sunday 4th June at Frome Town Centre from 11am to 3pm. Organisers say, “In conjunction with The Frome Independent market, Pride is back on stage in 2023, but this time we’re taking over! Expect music and entertainment from 11am-3pm, plus market stalls in the centre of town and beside the library. Prepare yourself for fun, flair, and Frome town favourites. No tickets needed.”
Mojo Moves: Pride special, at Cheese and Grain from Tuesday 6th June from 6.45pm onwards. Tickets are £8 per person. Organisers say, “Join Cheryl Sprinkler for a retro, feel-good workout, where comedy meets dance aerobics! Laugh yourself fitter, stronger, and even more fabulous at this Mojo Moves Pride special.”
Yssabeauchet Fibre Arts Workshop, Wednesday 7th June at Projects Store from 6pm to 9pm. Tickets are by donation (suggested £5-10+). Organisers say, “Explore your creative side with our very own community-hosted Fibre Arts Workshop. From beginners to experienced makers, everyone is welcome at this warm and relaxing crafty space. Come and have a go! Includes crochet, knitting, pom poms and cake. Please bring your own scissors.”
Pride: The Movie with Q&A, Friday 9th June at Merlin Theatre from 7pm.
Tickets are £6 per person. Organisers say, “Who’d have imagined that a film about gay / queer people, trade unionists and socialists could ever become a mainstream hit with an all-star cast? Pride tells the unlikely story of how radical LGBT activists struck up an alliance with South Wales miners during the 1984/85 miners’ strike. Winner of the BATFA Award for Outstanding British film in 2014, it stars Bill Nighy, Dominic West and Imelda Staunton amongst others.
Pride Walk & Lunch, Saturday 10th June at Frome Train Station from 11am to 3pm. Tickets are £6-£16+ including lunch. Organisers say, “Come along for a blissful walk around Frome with other LGBTQIA+ people and allies, starting outside Frome Train Station and ending at the Three Swans for lunch. Tickets cover entry to the walk and your lunch order, so please choose wisely as we cannot change your order once booking closes. Meat, fish, vegetarian and vegan options available.”
Radical Love: The Book Launch, Saturday 10th June at Frome Town Hall from 7pm to 9pm. Tickets are by donation (suggested £5-10+) Organisers say, “Calling all book lovers! We are so excited to announce this Frome Pride exclusive, in collaboration with Hunting Raven Books and Frome Town Council. Author Neil Blackmore, who was shortlisted for the Polari Book Prize for LGBTQ+ fiction, will be launching his latest work: Radical Love, based on the incredible true story of the first minister to offer marriages between men over 200 years ago. Includes a book signing and audience Q&A.”
You can donate to or sponsor Frome Pride by visiting:
More information about individual events and tickets can be found at www. and more information about LGBTQIA+ history and Pride here: