CHILDREN at primary schools across Frome can now get their sight checked in the classroom, thanks to new vision screening software offered by a local opticians.
The team from Specsavers at the Westway Centre is encouraging all local schools to sign up to receive the free software which is designed to be operated by teachers and school staff.
The three-minute screening test can detect the most common eye problems that affect children, such as long and short sight, lazy eye and squints. The team at Specsavers Frome is fully qualified to demonstrate the equipment and are also available to give engaging and interactive talks about eye health to schools.
“Around 80% of everything children learn is through their vision, so making sure they have healthy eyesight can have a big impact on their learning,” said Paul Rich, store director at Specsavers in Frome.
‘This equipment enables teachers to carry out a simple screening test for their pupils which can pick up on various eye conditions, many of which can be corrected by an optician as children’s eyesight continues to develop up to the age of eight.
“We are delighted to be able to offer it free of charge to primary schools in the area. We’d encourage all local schools to sign up as it can make a real difference for their pupils.”
The vision screening software has been developed and funded for Specsavers’ Screening for Schools programme, following a recent study which revealed millions of children have never had a sight test. Following the test, the software automatically generates a report for parents to help them make informed decisions about their child’s eyes.
Schools not already signed up can register at For more information, pop into Specsavers at 19 Westway Centre, Frome BA11 1BS, call 01373 451180 or visit