Christmas is coming and as our spending on food, drink, presents and travel is reaching fever pitch may I suggest we give a thought to those members of the emergency services and hospital staffs who will be on duty over the festive season to keep us safe?
Think also of those who will be working to meet our needs – or should that be wants? Frome is a very caring place. Every effort is being made to ensure that no one will be forgotten, neglected, left alone or unloved; but despite the marvellous efforts of those volunteers and many like them, for millions of people in this country and throughout the world this will NOT be a happy Christmas and so I urge you to add to that extensive “to do” list a further item, if it is not there already, “Give to my favourite charity “
In addition, give more than a passing thought to the reason we are gifted this holiday. It is to celebrate the birth of the Son of God who came down to earth as a baby to save us from our sins and to show us how to live, and so “Happy Birthday Jesus” and a Happy, Blessed, Peaceful and Healthy Christmas to all.
Maurice W Dobbs