Bridge players in Frome have made it into the top 100 places in a heat for the English Bridge Union (EBU) Summer Sim Pairs competition.
A total of 487 pairs played from 28 clubs from across the country took part in the event on Monday 22nd July, with six Frome pairs landing in the top 100.
Gayle and Colin Webb were the best-placed Frome pair, achieving 18th place out of the 487 pairs in the competition.
“Congratulations to all who played in this event,” says a member of the club, Marianne Lewin.
“In Frome, we hold club competitive duplicate events where all the pairs of players play the same set of bridge hands.
“This allows for a comparison to be made to see who played the hands to the best advantage. Imagine all around England (or even further afield) pairs in different clubs playing the same set of bridge hands at the same time in a single event, allowing comparison over the whole country.
“That is in essence what a Simultaneous Pairs event is, an event run concurrently at different clubs over a wider area. At the end of the event, a rank order is produced of all the players taking part, which is then displayed on the English Bridge Union (EBU) website.
“Participants in Simultaneous Pairs (often abbreviated to Sim Pairs or Sims) enjoy being able to compare their results with those of a much bigger field, literally hundreds or thousands of other pairs, from the comfort of their local club. Participants also have the benefit of a written expert commentary afterwards to give them some idea of what they might have played in particular hands. It is exciting for players to watch the website results and see how they change as more clubs upload their results. Very soon after the event, club members can see how they did nationally.
“Modern technology means that dealing machines prepare the hands to be played. Computer scoring means that the results are rapidly available at the end of the event.”
The full results from the competition can be found on the Frome Bridge Club website.