FROME town Council’s Volunteer of the Month this month is Annie Hardy.
Annie has worked tirelessly in a voluntary capacity for the Frome Children’s Festival – since its original inception four years ago. The children’s festival project is committed to providing free and lo cost good quality activities to all children. Annie is committed not only to festival days but like all of their very small band of volunteers she engages in most of the Children’s Festival programme of activities and events to provided good quality events to children across Frome.
Anne Hardy says of her sterling efforts, “I really believe in the children’s festival ethos of opportunity for everyone. Having free and engaging activities where you know that you are not going to be badgered for merchandise, as a parent, makes all the difference to family’s enjoyment of a day. So I volunteer because it’s for a really good cause and I love a spot of craft so mostly that’s where you’ll find me.”
Annie is also very good at going to ask businesses to assist in the Children’s Festival efforts. “There are also occasions when we need resources and so I just go and have a chat to people. Generally I am received really well and Frome businesses support us in whatever way they can. Usually in cake or materials! It is always varied. This year amongst many other highlights we will have Wiltshire Outdoor Learning Team building a rope bridge across the river to the other side.”
This year the Children’s Festival is short of volunteers and so Annie’s work is even more important. There are lots and lots of activities on offer this year and in order to make it go with a bang they need volunteers – marshalls and people to set up and take down in order to ensure all the activities can go on and that everybody is safe – many hands make light work.
If you are a business looking to support a good cause then they would like to hear from you.
The Frome Children’s Festival is on the 9th July this year at Welshmill Park through to the Cheese and Grain. You can message them on Facebook at facebook/fromechildrensfestival and anybody interested in volunteering are asked to go to to sign themselves up.