‘Making a Mark’ is a young artists’ exhibition displaying creations made by the highly talented young artists at Frome College, and featuring selected works created by Frome’s middle schools inspired by the National ‘Big Draw’ Project.
The college says, “Creativity is at the core of Frome College, and much value is attached to freedom of expression in the arts.
“One of the great strengths of Frome College’s artwork is its variety and vibrancy. Our college’s inclusive belief involves students ranging from beginners and enthusiastic amateurs, to the most skilful creators. We hope you enjoy this most exciting exhibition and the outstanding quality of the work.
“The selection of work has been made to reflect the range and talent of our young artists, photographers and designers, and showcases the innovative work of our young people in a gallery setting. This skilled and beautiful work represents a small fraction of the students’ coursework projects that has been made throughout this academic year so far.
“The chosen artwork will be displayed at the Black Swan Gallery in the Round Tower, open from Saturday 9th – 23rd February, with an opening event at 12 noon on Saturday 9th February.