Frome Comic Con is proud to be holding its fourth event here in Frome over the weekend of 10th – 11th August.
Organisers say, “FCC have now moved to a different venue, extended the event by a day and can now offer camping so that we can comfortably hold our visitors as well as offering even more to enjoy! Our new venue is Frome Community College where there is free parking and can hold a lot lot more of what we like relating to comics, movies, TV and the gaming world.
“Again there will be many traders selling all sorts of collectables and comics, prop and car exhibitors, guests and fun activities happening, there will be something there for everyone. Guest actors visiting over the weekend include Frazer Hines (Dr Who), Oliver Smith (Hellraiser), Josh Herdman and Chris Rankin from Harry Potter plus many more from Star Wars, Game of Thrones and even cult movies like Hostel. As well as the guests, we have pinball machines, retro gaming, an escape room, photo booth/green screen and even a geek crazy golf course.
“The leisure centre next to the college also has a range of activities happening and special offers for anyone visiting over the weekend and want some super hero workouts. The Merlin Theatre is hosting the Cosplay Cabaret on Saturday 10th August, which also includes guest star Pixie Le Knot from Game of Thrones who will be performing some contortion, juggling flash and many other performers dressed as characters from popular themes.”
For details of the event and ticket prizes go to their website www.fromecomic con.com or find them on Facebook or Instagram.
Photos: Chris Bailey and JLB Photography