BACK in September, Kumon Educational was approached by the producers at ITV, for their involvement in a feature on the choices parents make about their child’s education.
As Kumon is the largest supplementary education provider in the country, ITV wanted to interview two Kumon instructors to find out more about the unique Kumon maths and English study programmes.
One of the Instructors selected to appear on the programme was Susan Gatward from the local Frome Study Centre, based at The Welsh Mill on Park Hill Drive. Susan was interviewed by popular TV reporter Fiona Foster and eloquently summarised the benefits of the Kumon maths and English programmes. She also explained how and why children of all ages are supported to work above their school level, how Kumon complements school learning and why daily study supports continuous development.
Susan opened the Frome Study Centre five years ago following the birth of her first son. She wanted to support the work of parents and teachers in schools, by developing the ability of local students through individualised study. The centre is now becoming such an integral part of the community that in the New Year it will be relocating to Frome town centre.
Of her first TV appearance, Susan said, “I was thrilled for my centre to be part of a Tonight Programme for ITV1. The interview focused on preschool students and their use of supplementary education. As such, four year old Maddie, a maths and English student from my centre, and her mum Michelle Bradfield were also invited to take part.
“I am passionate about instructing students of all ages and abilities and the capacity for learning in preschool students will always amaze me. To see a very young child pick up a book and confidently read it, giggling to themselves, is something I will never tire of. To begin school full of confidence in maths and English seems to me an amazing gift to give any child.
“Maddie is an excellent example of such a student, her thirst for knowledge seems endless. Through daily study she has progressed above the level expected for her age in maths and English, which has given her a solid foundation for her Reception year at school.”
Maddie’s mum spoke passionately about how Kumon has enabled her daughter to realise her potential at such a young age. She said, “Maddie started Kumon because she was eager to read and I wanted a formal structure for her to follow to enable her to do that. She can not only read to a very good standard, but she can also write clearly and is now writing sentences. With her maths, she can form all her numbers well and do sums up to plus five.
“Maddie and I were very pleased and honoured to be asked by the Frome Kumon Study Centre to take part in the programme. It was a wonderful experience, both taking part and seeing the production team in action. It’s not every day you have a cameraman and one of the UK’s best loved TV and radio journalists in your house!”
The programme is due to air on Thursday 8th November at 7.30pm on ITV1 (subject to change).
PICTURED: Maddie Bradfield, on her first day at school
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