Frome Lions have had another boundless year, supporting the residents of Frome and surrounding area with its charity work.
Lion Mike Geake reports, “The club started its 51st year of provision by holding its annual Sportsman’s dinner held in January at Orchardleigh House by kind permission of owner Mr Chris Vincent.
“Nearly 200 guests enjoyed a splendid meal in the sumptuous surroundings of the orangery at Orchardleigh before being regaled by the guest speaker 1985 world snooker champion, Dennis Taylor. The event raised the superb sum of £11,000 for the Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance. In March several Lions travelled to the air ambulance base at Henstridge to present the cheque.
“Also in March, one of the club’s longest-standing fundraiser, the sponsored swim, had to be postponed for the first time in its history due to the heavy snow which fell a day or so before it was due to take place. Thankfully with some frantic effort and goodwill by the Lions and the partakers, it was rearranged for 29th April where 29 teams took part. Half of the money raised on the day goes to the Lions charity fund and the other half is retained by the participants for their charity or organisation. The Lions’ principal beneficiary for this year’s event was Critchill Special School. At the presentation evening held in June, the club presented them with a cheque for £2,500.
“In May, the Lions held their 9th annual charity golf day at Orchardleigh Golf course. On a fairly warm day in near-perfect conditions, 30 teams took part in a four ball team stableford competition. This year’s chosen charity was the Freewheelers’ Emergency Voluntary Service more commonly known as “Blood Bikers”. Members from the Blood Bikers returned in July to the golf club to receive a cheque for £5,000 from Lion President Jim Dowling
“In June, the annual summer fete was held in Victoria Park. The event was blessed with good weather and the general public enjoyed an afternoon of traditional English country entertainment .
“In July, the club welcomed a new president when Peter Rumming took over the reins from outgoing president Jim Dowling at the annual handover lunch which this year was held at the Royal Oak in Corsley.
“This year it was decided that the club should abandon another longstanding fundraiser, the hay bale collection, due to the extremely dry weather conditions resulting in a lack of hay/straw as it would not be appropriate to ask farmers to donate in the circumstances. This said, several farmers did make cash donations to the club in lieu of hay. Hopefully weather permitting, the lions will recommence this event in 2019
“Last week, the Lions Tree of Remembrance at Rook Lane Chapel was blessed by the Rev. Colin Horn in a short carol service attended by members of the public, with music provided by Frome Town Band.
“As we go to press, the Lions are busy assisting Father Christmas in association with their colleagues from the Rotary clubs in his travels around Frome.
“The Lions club would like to thank all of the people and organisations too numerous to mention individually, who have generously assisted them in their fundraising and who without them, the club would not be able to assist those in need.”