FROME Community Lottery gave nine grants to local organisations at their annual grant presentation evening earlier this month.
The organisations that benefited were; Frome Canoe Club, Frome Selwood Tennis Club, Nunney Village Hall, Cheese and Grain, Fair Frome, The Day Centre, We Hear You, Jack in the Box Toy Library and Frome Community Cars.
Chair of the Lottery, Sue Worringham said, “The organisations were very pleased to receive grant funding and in most cases, the projects would not have gone ahead without it.
“Frome Canoe Club is raising money for an extension to their building. The Cheese and Grain received a grant for projector screens for community education. Fair Frome needed money for shelving for the Food Bank.
“The Toy Library needed larger toys for their play sessions. Rosy Ecob from Jack in the Box said that they had conducted a survey, asking the people who use the Toy Library what toys were needed. Parents explained that they often cannot afford ride-on toys and were pleased that their children would now have access to them at the play sessions.
“Frome Selwood Tennis Club will use the money to buy tennis equipment to start reduced-price lessons for youngsters who would not otherwise be able to afford tennis lessons.
“Nunney Village Hall needed money to refurbish their toilets, which are the only public toilets in the village.
“The Day Centre will use the grant to buy materials for art sessions for the elderly.
“We Hear You needed to buy a coin sorting machine to count collections. This will also be also available for other organisations to borrow.
“Frome Community Cars needed a laptop to organise the rota of volunteers who take people to local appointments.”
Sue Worringham continued, “All the money we are able to give out comes from the proceeds of the Frome Community Lottery. We are extremely grateful to all the local residents who play the community lottery every week, as 50% of their weekly stake of £1 comes back to Frome to support local groups.
“They also have a chance to win cash prizes of up to £25,000. Players who wish to join the lottery can pick up a leaflet at Frome library or join through the Trust’s website.”
Grant applications are now open for next year and Frome Community Lottery would like to hear from community organisations and groups in Frome and the local villages who are in need of some help.
Application forms, which must be returned by 28th April, are available from the Trust’s website www.fromecommunitytrust.btck.co.uk or from Sue on 01373 462431.