A BLUNT and frightening reminder of the dangers of speeding was on display in Frome last week.
Police and community speed watch teams took this crumpled car around Frome to illustrate the dangers and remind drivers to watch their speed, as part of National Speed Awareness Week.
And with a ‘speeding endemic’ in Frome, local campaigners say such shock tactics are necessary.
The car on display had been involved in a serious accident three years ago which left the teenage driver and passengers with massive injuries. The car had hit a stone wall and somersaulted onto its roof and police say excessive speed and a lack of driving experience were the cause.
Ashley Reay, Mendip Community Speed Watch co-ordinator said, “I think it was fairly sobering. We engaged with a lot of people who were taken aback and visibly shocked.”
Ashley says he has been ‘disappointed’ by the sheer number of people caught speeding in the town over the speed awareness week, which took place from Monday 19th – Sunday 25th August, illustrating the extent of the problem. And the problem, he says, is not just ‘white van men and boy racers’.
“We have seen mothers with their children doing 45 to 50mph in a 30mph area.
“Speeding is endemic in Frome. A large amount of police resources are being put in to slow people down. And they have done a lot of educational work, stopping people and advising people – it’s not about booking as many as they can.
“There are about seven or eight high speeding areas, although some of the sites are now much better than they used to be.”
Speed is one of the main contributory factors in fatal road accidents and the campaign in Frome is part of a national clampdown on speeding motorists. It is expected that in Frome over 200 people will be prosecuted and 50 will receive warning letters.
“Speeding tickets may not be popular with motorists, adds Ashley, “But I can’t justify someone doing 50mph in a 30mph zone. Where’s the sense of responsibility?”