Six of Frome’s Scouts and Explorers have been selected to represent Somerset at the World Scout Jamboree next July in America.
“This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for young people in the Scouting community to be part of a Jamboree on a worldwide scale. It gives them the chance to experience different cultures, become more independent individuals and make friends across the world. This adventure only happens every four years and is hosted by a different country each time and next year it is taking place in West Virginia, America.
“But it doesn’t start at Heathrow Airport; as selected members of Unit 77 they have been attending training camps to prepare them for their three weeks in America. The camps teach them skills such as handwashing clothes, the importance of teamwork and cooking meals (that may have resulted in a few burnt beans).
“Another important part of this amazing adventure is to come up with ways to fundraise to cover the cost of the Jamboree and training camps. Some of the funds raised supports less privileged Scouts from other countries.
“They have been fortunate enough to have support from local organisations such as Homebase and their Sausage Sizzles. They also helped with the Carnival collections to help the Frome Rotary who kindly gave them grants. They also gave a helping hand with the Frome Half Marathon by delivering leaflets for road closures and running water stations.
“So if you see Scouts in uniform holding buckets with a brown bear drinking tea, you’ll know what they are fundraising for. And if you are feeling generous, then all donations are gratefully appreciated.”
Pictured: Fundraising for the World Scout Jamboree, which will be held next year in America.