Following on from previous years’ successful events, Frome Selwood Tennis Club is again holding two free open days at their courts just off Somerset Road, next to the Mary Baily Playing Fields.
The fun days are 10am to 4pm, on Sunday May 13th and Sunday July 22nd. Activities are open to all ages and all levels of player, from beginner upwards. They will include mini tennis, family time, free play and adult coaching. There will also be a barbecue at lunchtime and refreshments will be available throughout the day.
Mark Brierley, chairman of the tennis club said, “Whether you just want to find out about the club, try tennis for the first time or re-discover its enjoyment please do come along.
“You can either come to the club and register on the day or book in advance online via ClubSpark / Events / Frome Selwood Tennis Club / Sunday 13 May. And if you don’t have a tennis racquet, don’t worry, we will have some club racquets available for use. We will also be offering a month’s free trial membership for adults interested in joining.”
For more information about the club, visit