Rainfall this February 2019 = 48 mm + [ 25.5 mm // Water, resulting from 128 mm of snow, recorded 01/02/19] .
This statistic which includes 48 mm of normal precipitation and 25.5 mm of melted snow = 73.5 mm in the old £ = 2.9 inches, and just over matching the rain fall statistic of 2015 = 73.0 mm .The 18 year average for a Frome February = 73.2 mm.
There was also recorded two occasions of drizzle, which was N.M.
For information :- Feb 2018 = 42mm; Feb 2017 = 72.0mm; Feb 2016 = 82.5mm; Feb 2015 = 73mm; Feb 2014 = 140.5 mm; Feb 2013 = 37mm; Feb 2012 = 11.0 mm; Feb 2011 = 55mm; Feb 2010 = 99mm; Feb 2009 = 27mm; Feb 2008 = 36mm. Feb 2007 = 103mm; Feb 2006 = 69 mm Feb 2005 = 55mm; Feb 2004 = 48mm; Feb 2003 = 44mm; Feb 2002 = 141mm; Feb 2001 = 92mm; Feb 2000 =133mm
All rainfall readings were taken from a Met/Check Cu Rain gauge i.a.w. Air Ministry Form 1122.
Snow readings were received from a level board + the melted snow from within the Rain Gauge.
Highest D.T.T. = 18 Degrees C , recorded @ 15.00 hrs on the 24,28, /02/19. Lowest D .T.T. = 0 . Degrees C , recorded @ 15.00 hrs on 01/02/19. Lowest N.T.T. = Minus 1.0 recorded during the night 02/03/02/19.
Also for Information, Minus 5.0 Degrees C was recorded @ 0700 on 03/02/19. Highest N.T.T. = 10 Degrees C recorded in the night 05/06 /02/19.
It is interesting to note that [A] Feb 2019 has been a month of dramatic Metrological contrasts!! From Minus 1.0 // 0 Degrees C to 18 .0 Degrees C during the day time & a day of heavy Snow on 01/02/19 [5.0 inches ] to 4 days of Brilliant sunshine. 24,25,26,27// 02/19 and on those days of brilliant sunshine, ground and air frosts were recorded @ 0700 hrs.
[B] The 18 Degrees C temperatures recorded on 24 and 28/02 were held @ that level for 30 mins.
[C] The Average Day Time Temperature Feb 2017 = 7.8 Degrees C .
The average Day Time Temperature Feb 2018 = 4.9 Degrees C.
The Average Day Time Temperature this Feb 2019 = 10.1 Degrees C!!!
[D] The daytime temperature of 18 Degrees C was the highest Feb temperature recorded in Frome since my commencement of weather recoding in 1987 = 32 years. All temperatures were recorded from within a S.S. from two different thermometers.
Highest Barometric Atmospheric Air Pressure = 1031 mb recorded 25/02/19
Lowest Barometric Atmospheric Air Pressure = 998 mb, recorded 01/02/19 .Highest wind speed = 50 m.p.h. Vector Direction N.W. Recorded on 07/02/19.