Frome Women’s Shed reports that “There’s a new self-assurance and sense of vision blossoming down at the Shed.
“Still going strong on Monday mornings, projects are multiplying, new members are joining and the Shed is thriving.
“The highlight of the summer was the Frome Cheese Show. Undeterred by the forecast of rain, the Shedders cracked on making their intricate macramé items and wooden serving boards, hewn from donated wood. As the big day approached, it was all hands on deck. Some were knotting; others sanding and oiling. The result; lovely macramé planters (complete with plants) and magnificent gleaming serving boards.
“The stand had a lot of visitors, many of them drawn in by the coracle kindly lent by the Frome Men’s Shed. (The Men not only built the coracle but raced it in the Carmarthen river festival, where they achieved a very respectable fourth place!)
“BBC Radio Somerset came to the stand to interview Shedders Ros and Sam about the origins of the Women’s Shed, and the reasons why people join it. It was broadcast on the following Monday’s BBC Radio Somerset breakfast show, and we got new members as a result. You can listen to an extract from the interview by going to, then clicking on the arrow next to the Women’s Shed tab.
“All proceeds raised at the Cheese Show will be used to support the Shed and buy materials for future projects.
“Galvanised by their success at the Cheese Show, the Women’s Shed session last Monday consisted of coffee, cake and a lively discussion about future plans and projects. The Shedders are particularly looking for community projects. Do you need anything made or mended? Get in touch.”
For more information go to the Frome Shed website and the Women’s Shed Facebook page, or contact Ros Whitehouse from the Women’s Shed on 07500 061624 and women@frome