REPORTING direct from his own weather station in Frome, our local meteorologist, Michael Cooper, has all the facts and figures for Frome’s weather in May.
Rainfall: Rain fall for May = 49.5mm. The Frome average over the past 18 years = 74.1mm. Up to May 21st, a dry May record was in site, with only 13mm recorded , Then on May 21st the rains came! But still, May 2018 was the driest since 2011 & 2010. All rainfall readings were taken from a Met/Check Cu Rain gauge i.a.w. Air Ministry form 1122.
Temperature: Highest D.T.T. = 26 Degrees C, recorded at 3pm on Monday 7th May. Lowest D.T.T. = 11 Degrees C recorded at 3pm Thursday 24th May.
Lowest N.T.T. = 4.0 Degrees C recorded during the night of 30th April/1st May, where a slight air frost was recorded. Highest N.T.T. = 18 Degrees C recorded during the night of 7th/8th May and 26th/27th May. All temperatures were recorded form within a S.S. from two different thermometers .
Air Pressure: Highest Barometric Atmospheric Air Pressure = 1025 mb recorded on Saturday 12th May. Lowest Barometric Atmospheric air Pressure = 1010 mb recorded on Tuesday 1st May.
Wind speed: Highest wind speed = 24 m.p.h. recorded on Wednesday 16th May, Vector Direction = N.E.