At the end of the 19th Century, in the small Somerset town of Frome, a young girl called Flora hopes to brighten her family’s spirits with some flowers picked from the nearby Vallis woods.
But when Flora becomes lost in the ancient woodland, she embarks upon an unexpected and magical journey through the fairy realm to find her way home.
Gallivanting Goblins is an original audio drama exploring Frome town’s history and folk lore in a fun, family friendly way.
Created and performed by West Country artists, Goblins aims to encourage audiences to go out and explore their natural surroundings, perhaps even tracing the steps of the story’s heroine through the magical Vallis Vale. It could be the perfect way to entertain your little ones this autumn and rediscover the magic of your hometown!
Written by Alexandra Ricou, with music and lyrics by Danielle Sharp, in collaboration with Beth Fiducia-Brookes, Gallivanting Goblins is free to listen and download via Spotify and Anchor FM.