FOUNDED in 1966, and now in its 56th year, the Frome Selwood Horticultural Society (FSHS) keeps growing, evidenced at the AGM and also by the most recent topic, ‘seed growing and potting on.’
The club report, “Amazingly, Ray Carver is both a founder member and also re-elected chairman, proof of his dedication to FSHS. Ray is also the gardening local expert guest writer for the Frome Times, having amassed a lifetime experience in municipal gardening in Bath and Frome.
“He and society president, Victoria Turner, paid tribute to the behind-the-scenes support all had given during the difficult months of Covid lockdown. It would appear members could not wait to return, with attendees at the monthly talks remaining on average 60. The committee was re-elected en-bloc with two new members, Bob Gallop and Nicola Stott, welcomed. Tribute was paid to, and fond memories spoken of members who had died since we last met: Ken Cook, David Wilcox, Denise Bull, Dougie Pickworth and John Trawford.
“All would have enjoyed the light-hearted talk by regular speaker, Mike Burke, from Castle Gardens, Sherborne. Never one to miss an opportunity to sell, Mike encouraged us all to just buy new, rather than go to the effort of seed growing and potting on! He nevertheless gave top tricks for success:
“1. Only half fill the seed trays so seedlings don’t get too leggy 2. Don’t cover seeds with compost as this will cause capping. Instead use the very light Vermiculite. 3. Use room temperature water to water in, either from the top with a very fine watering can rose or from the bottom. 4 Cover for propagation.
“Above all, Mike shared his amazement of creation that growth in abundance comes from the largest seed, the coconut, to the tiny bedding begonia seeds, which per ounce are worth more than gold. His audience shared his awe.
To prove the magnificence of growth, the daffodil competition was judged. Of the 30 or so returned bulbs, Derek Trick came first, second Hilary Thomas, third Victoria Turner, followed by Sue Wright and Richard Robinson. Jane Wood was magnanimous in receiving the wooded spoon, suggesting Storm Eunice may have had something to do with her lack of flowers!”
The FSHS meets for a garden related talk and refreshments on the second Tuesday of the month at Critchill School, Frome, BA11 4LD. 7.15pm for a prompt start at 7.30pm. New members and visitors are welcome.
For more information, please call Jane on 0777 6208531 or jane.norris9@