Get Connected is a new community hub for adults with learning disabilities and autism in the Frome area.
It has been set up by Openstorytellers with a grant from the Discovery Community Fund and offers drop-in sessions where people can meet friends, share hobbies, use computers, find out what’s happening locally and get support.
As part of this initiative, Get Connected has also started a Storysharing Circle, which enables people to build new friendships through sharing small, meaningful stories about their lives.
Jade Ogden, the projects and activities manager at Openstorytellers says, “Get Connected is proving very popular and we have had various new participants joining in already to use this much-needed resource, which is really positive.”
The Discovery Community Fund, administered by Somerset Community Foundation (SCF) is now offering grants of between £500 and £50,000 to community projects that enrich the lives of people with learning disabilities and autism. Applications should be submitted to SCF by Thursday 31st October.
Luke Joy-Smith, managing director at Discovery, explains, “We want to fund creative projects that can bring about real changes in people’s lives. That might be by creating social networks for young adults to make sure they don’t become isolated, helping people into employment, making community spaces more accessible by installing a ‘changing places’ toilet, or combating hate crime.”
The fund has six priority areas and the funding is likely to support projects that can address one or more of these themes:
• Strengthening the transition to young adulthood
• Tackling health inequalities
• Supporting people into employment
• Removing barriers to community spaces
• Combating hate crime, and
• Enabling people with learning disabilities and autism to take the lead and shape things using their own ideas.
To find out more, visit: discovery or call Andy Ridgewell, programme manager at Somerset Community Foundation on: 01749 344949.
Pictured: Getting to grips with crochet at Get Connected.