When you think of golf club membership, what do you envision? Long term commitment and a large annual payment? Orchardleigh Golf and Country Club has revolutionised its approach to membership, opening it up to a new audience of golfers.
Across the UK, golf memberships are in decline, thanks mainly to the pre-conception of a hefty payment and the need to play multiple rounds a week to maximise its value.
But no longer. Orchardleigh Golf Club s new approach to membership, will open it up to a new audience of golfers. From the part timers, to the curious, all are welcome to experience the benefits of membership – without having to pledge a large sum of money or a vast amount of time.
A token payment of £1 sets you up as a member for a whole year, with how much you play then determined by you on a “Pay per Round” basis, with an 18-hole round of golf costing as little as £12.
An important part of golf club membership is the ability to obtain a handicap, which allows you to play to a higher standard, entering competitions and playing better courses around the world thanks to a demonstrable aptitude for golf. Without golf club membership, you can’t obtain an official handicap – no matter how good a golfer you are.
Although Orchardleigh’s £1 offer doesn’t cover annual union fees (currently set at £25 for men and £24 for women), the club is set to offer to cover these costs for free for the first 25 members to sign up.
Chris Vincent, owner of Orchardleigh Golf and Country Club said, “We want golfers of all ages and levels to feel welcomed on our course. Often, expensive membership fees can deter people from taking up and playing golf, and we’ve decided to try and combat this with the introduction of our new ‘Pay per Round’ membership so that everybody can enjoy the sport.
“I read a statistic recently which suggested that out of the roughly 4 million golfers in the UK, 3.5 million don’t belong to a club – and therefore have no opportunity to obtain an official handicap, and enjoy the associated benefits of doing so, such as playing in competitions or playing challenging, high end courses. ‘Pay per Round’ membership enables you to play as much golf as you like and only pay when you play. We still retain alternative membership options for the ardent golfers out there, but for the causal golfers – it offers an excellent opportunity to embrace a fantastic sport, without needing to over commit.
“Since the announcement of the £1 full membership at Orchardleigh golf club through the pages of Frome Times, the response has been massive. Spaces are limited, so be sure to get your membership now to avoid disappointment. Call now on 01373 454200 and get your 12-month membership for only £1 before it’s sold out.”
Pictured: Orchardleigh golf pro, Dan Dredge, with the owner of Orchardleigh Golf Club, Chris Vincent, holding one pound!