Fair Frome, which already runs the Food Bank and Furniture Bank and other schemes designed to meet the needs of those in the town with acute needs, has just been successful in their application for a grant to Screwfix.
The grant of £5,000 to cover the next three years will provide additional support for the furniture bank and the new white goods recycling scheme the charity has recently started. It will enable the purchase of curtain track, rug bindings, carry out cooker installations and the purchase and installation of other practical fixtures and fittings that are currently not available through the scheme.
Both the food and furniture banks receive referrals from those organisations in Frome who work closely with people in need and provide the advice and support they require. These organisations then can refer people to Fair Frome for free food tops ups or free recycled furniture.
Currently the charity delivers furniture and white goods to a variety of clients. With the help of local volunteers, they can deliver single items or as is often the case provide the basics to fit out a new home. The charity depends on donations of good quality furniture and white goods such as cookers, fridges etc all of which are PAT tested and safety ensured, before they are delivered. With the Screwfix grant, the charity can now ensure fitting as well, by a qualified electrician.
Bob Ashford chair of trustees of Fair Frome said, “On the surface Frome appears an affluent town, however there are many people who are struggling to make ends meet. For many families and individuals, poverty is a real issue.
“One of the challenges they face is to provide the basic equipment for their homes which many of us take for granted. I find it distressing when we visit families in the town who, through no fault of their own, can’t afford carpets on the floor or curtains at the window. The furniture bank and white goods scheme have been successful in providing basic equipment, but this new Screwfix grant will enable us to offer other essentials to ensure a safe and decent home.”
Fair Frome always needs donations of furniture or electrical items. If you have any good quality items please contact Victoria Gale at Fair Frome on 07718 652991.
For more information on the work of Fair Frome or if you want to make a financial donation to support their work please look at www.fairfrome.org