LOCAL residents could benefit from free energy efficiency improvements worth up to £10,000 thanks to Mendip District Council receiving a share of a multi-million pound Government-funded Green Homes Grant Programme, working with E.ON and Happy Energy Solutions.
Under the Green Homes Grants Scheme, owner-occupiers will benefit from energy efficiency installations up to the value of £10,000 with nothing for them to pay towards the costs of works.
These can cover wall, loft, floor insulation, upgrading single glazed windows & non- UPVC doors, heat pumps, smart heating controls, solar PV depending on what your property needs.
Tenants of rented properties can also access grants of up to £5,000 for energy efficiency upgrades, with the landlord being asked to pay 1/3 of the cost. So, the landlord can get work done to improve their property with a 2/3 discount, benefiting both parties, and either of you can fill in an application.
To be eligible for the grants, the residents of the property must have a low income (receive benefits or have the household income below £30,000 per annum) and the EPC for the property must be rated D, E, F or G. If there is no EPC for your property, you can still apply and it doesn’t matter who your energy supplier is.
To find out if your property has an EPC visit: www.gov.uk/find-energy-certificate
If you’re struggling to keep your home warm and you think you might be eligible for some help, you can submit an application at the following website address: www.heatsomerse t.co.uk/
If you qualify, Happy Energy Solutions will survey your home to assess which energy efficiency measures could be installed. The options will then be discussed with you for a final decision to be reached.
The scheme is expected to run until March 2022, but will operate on a first-come, first-served basis.
Frome Town Council’s Resilience Manager, Nikki Brain, said, “This is another great opportunity to find funding to help with energy efficiency in our homes, and it fits nicely with the work the Healthy Homes project are undertaking as part of the Green and Healthy Programme, funded by the National Lottery.”
You can read more on the Healthy Homes page: www.frometowncouncil.gov.uk/your-community/su stainability-and-resilience/ green-and-healthy-futures-programme/healthy-homes/