WITH demand for housing in the private rented sector at an all-time high, one Somerset letting agency is working with landlords to help provide homes to those most in need of housing.
Keyring Lettings are a ‘not for profit’ Community Interest Company and have recently helped a lady and her young daughter find a new home after they had spent many months searching.
The agency reports, “Only being able to work part-time so that she was able to care for her daughter meant that she was in receipt of some Universal Credit. Just before Christmas Keyring were approached by a landlord and asked to find tenants for a property in Frome.
“The house proved to be ideal for the tenants Keyring had in mind and within just a few weeks they were settling into their new home.”
Keyrings’ Lettings and Business Development Manager, Stephen Palfrey, added, “Luckily, our socially aware landlord came to this lady’s rescue, and we were able to agree a long-term tenancy that suited both of them.
“The tenant had been looking unsuccessfully for some time so we were delighted to be able to help her when other agents couldn’t.
“Our landlord client was also pleased that we had found someone so quickly and we wish them both a long and happy relationship!
“There is a growing list of good tenants in need of housing, who though circumstances beyond their control, don’t always meet the stringent referencing requirements that are sometimes placed on them.
“More and more socially aware landlords are looking beyond this and where they can see there is a family in genuine in need, they are happy to provide them with a tenancy. We need more landlords who are prepared to work with us to make this a reality for many.”
In addition to finding new tenants, the agency also works closely with the local authority to help landlords bring empty or run-down properties back into a condition where they can be let.
Through their contacts Keyring can help landlords access grants and schemes that can be used from refurbishing or renovating a property to becoming compliant with the latest regulations.
Keyring also use their social media platforms to regularly keep landlords up-to-date on the latest regulations and industry news.
They will also be hosting a ‘landlords evening’ on 17th March with guest speakers providing an update on forthcoming regulation and changes to the industry.
For more information on the event or to reserve a place please contact: manager@keyringlettings.co.uk