Frome Selwood Horticulture Society enters its 50th Golden Year with a programme to celebrate all that is good about gardening.
To mark the horticultural society’s important 50th year milestone, the 2016/2107 programme will feature even more recommended speakers on fascinating gardening themes.
Jane Norris said, “An afternoon coach trip has been added in May, to East Lambrook Manor, and planning is ongoing for the ever popular plant sale in May and the flower show in August.
“One of the many high points promised will be the club’s 50th Anniversary Dinner, to be held in November. A special guest speaker will be announced nearer the time.
“It is because of the loyal support of the members and the public that the society has been able to grow, both in numbers and reputation.
“A history is being compiled, that will include photos brought together from many sources, including the Frome Cheese Show and the many trips and events over the years. Anyone with memories of the society, which first met at the technical college, on the site of Longleat Court in Park Road, then St John’s Hall, then Trinity Church Hall, and now Critchill School, do please get in touch.
“For those who are looking longingly to start the winter garden clear up, the next FSHS talk is on pruning. We meet at Critchill School, Tuesday 8th March, at 7.30pm. What better way to enjoy a Tuesday evening, once a month, than to be amongst like-minded gardening friends? £6 annual membership, £2 visitor, all to include a cup of tea and good company.
“Start the gardening year with a visit to your local gardening club; The Frome Selwood Horticulture Society. Going for 50 years and still growing.”